'Soul Church Seal

  Email your praise reports and prayer requests to: yahshvah@yahshvah.org

(Repeat after me: "Insofar as; for as much as; and to the degree that He lives in me; and I CRUCIFY SELF - I am He!" It's true! - VAJ)           


  YSC Logo

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"Are You a Christian?"

"Are You Ready?"   

"Are You Blind?"

"Asher" (Who/That)

"Cabala" (Kabbalah)

"Church Jokes"

"Chuwqoq" (Appointed) 


"Ganja" (Birth of Jah)


"If You Love Me"





"Seven Spirits"

"Seven Ways to Praise"


"Solemn Assemblies"


"Spirit of Yahshvah"

"The Golden Gate"

"The History of the Church"

"The Two Covenants" 

"The New Covenant"

"The Old Covenant"

"The Third Day"

"The Word"

"The 'Soul Church Logo"

"The Throne of David"







VAJ Biography


Welcome! (Note:This website is under construction. Copyright:AAME, 2002. No part of this site, including all text, illustrations, transliterations, pictures, and trademarked logos, may be reproduced without permission.)

The Yahshvah's Soul Church is a Priesthood training site for the new millenium. The Kingdom of God has been taken away from Judah and given to the nation producing the fruit of it. (That's America, folks!) (Mt. 21:43)  Most Americans are a part of "Spiritual Israel": the Christian Church, and, unknowingly, the literal descendants of the ten "Lost Tribes" of Israel.  Since the founding of the 'Soul Church in 1980 (Bayou L'Ourse, Louisiana), the "high" priests of the 'Soul Church have been responding to the commission of our Lord Yahshvah (sic: "Jesus") to "... Go to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, ... saying: 'The Kingdom of Heaven has come near!'" (Mt. 10:7)  He has promised to the Church and, "...to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion ..." (James 1:1) That "... You shall be to Me a Kingdom of ... Priests, ... and a Holy Nation!" (See: Ex. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:5;  Rev. 1:6, 5:10; Deut. 14:21; 26:19 Learn how traditional "Christianity" has fallen away from the "Olde Tyme Religion" of Yahshvah! Find out how you, too, can become a "high" priest, in the Kingdom of God! (Note: We really have only One High Priest, and He is Yahshvah! (Heb. 2:17, 4:14)  The Kingdom of "priests" that we become are "high" on Him!)

priestpriest 2priest 3

The Priestly vestments; which are stored in Jerusalem by Jewish religious leaders in hopeful anticipation of an eventual restoration of temple service.           

          True or False?

1.  Every word of the "Holy Bible" is true and inerrant.  

2. "Jesus" is the only Name under Heaven by which men can be saved. 

3. There is a "Trinity" of "Persons" in the "Godhead".

4.  Professing "Christians" are already "Born Again".

5.  Christians will be "Raptured" away to "Heaven" before the "Great Tribulation".

6.  Christians go directly to "Heaven", and "sinners" go directly to "Hell" at death.

7.  The "Kingdom of God" is "within you".

8.  You have an "immortal soul".

9.  Sunday is "the Lord's Day".

10. "Christmas" is Christ's Birthday.

11.  "Easter" is a "Christian" Holy Day.

12.  Christ was in the tomb from Friday evening to Sunday morning.

13.  The "Jews" are "Israel".

14.  The Ten Commandments of God are "done away".

                        The Law

15.  Smoking and drinking are "sin".

16.  Speaking in "Tongues" is the "sign" of the Holy Spirit.



   Surprisingly, all of the statements are at least partially false!

1.  There are hundreds of scientific and historical innaccuracies in the Bible, to say nothing of inconsistencies, cultural biases, and errors in copying, translation, and transliteration.  Yet, the Bible also contains the Truth of God's Word, and many true facts of science and history found nowhere else in ancient times (or today).  It also contains some amazing mathmatically encrypted prophetic messages that can only have been hidden within the text by God Himself!

2. "Yahshvah" ("Yeshua") or "Joshua" is the Savior's actual Name. "Jesus" is the traditional English transliteration of the Latin transliteration of the Greek transliteration of His High Holy Hebrew Name.

3. There is One God, and He is Yahshvah! (See: Deut. 6:4; Jn. 1:3; Isa. 44:6, and Rev. 22:13-16; 2 Sam. 22: 2-3; also, 1 Cor. 10:4; Ps. 18:1-2; Ex. 3: 4-5; Jn. 8: 56-58.)

4.  Only Christ, "Firstborn" of the dead ("Ticto", Gr., see: Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:18) , is "Born" (Ticto: "Childbirth") again.  The rest of us may be "begotten" again ("anagennao", Gr.), that is; concieved (1 Jn. 3:9, "Gennao")  in Christ to be "born" in the Resurrection!  This is the true "new birth".


5.  At the last (seventh) trumpet, at the end of the "time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7), or "sore trial" (tribulation, testing), we will rise in the resurrection.  (See: Mt. 24:30-31; 1 Cor. 15:52; Rev. 11:15; 1 Thess. 4:16; Rev. 7:14)

6.  "If a man dies, will he live again?  All the days of my appointed time I will wait, until my change comes." (Job 14:14, see also: Eccl. 9:5; Ps. 146:4;)  Look to the Resurrection!

7.  The Greek words translated: "within you", in the King James Bible,  might be better translated: "in your midst" (as in the New American Standard version), or: "at your center".  Christ (the King!) was standing in the middle of a crowd, with the Kingdom of God centered in Him! (Luke 17:21)  The Kingdom of God is not just a warm feeling in your heart (although it surely begins there, in obeisance to the King!).   Rather, it is a soon-coming literal worldwide kingdom with the returned Christ as King!

8.  You are a "soul" ("Nephesh", Heb.: "living creature") and, "... The soul that sins, it shall die! (Ez. 18:4,20; see also: Gen. 2:7; Lev. 17:11)

9.  The thousand - year Biblical "Lord's Day" begins with the  second coming of Yahshvah, the "Lord of the Sabbath". (Saturday!)  (See: Isa. 13:6,9; 10:3; 2:12; 34:2,8; 61:2; Ez. 30:3; Amos 5:18; Zeph.1:7)  The "Venerable Day of the Sun " [gods] was, and is , Horus, Ra, Mithras, and Nimrod's "day".  (the "Baals": "lords" of Egypt and Canaan.)


10.  December 25 is central to the ancient Winter Solstice Festivals.  (The "Saturnalia" and "Brumalia")  This is the ancient birthday of the sun gods mentioned above.  Christ likely was conceived on that day in 8 B.C.  He was born nine months later, about October 1st, 7 B.C.

Astarte and Baal  Isis and Horus  Ixchel and Consort  

11.  Oaster; Astarte; Isis; Ishtar; Ixchel; "Queen of Heaven", "Consort of the Sun",  and "Mother of God"  the world over, still has her other consort:  the bunny! - and, her colored eggs, and her sunrise services.  The Goddess' "Mystery" religion continues, virtually unchanged, even after 6000 years!  (See: 1Ki. 14:15; Jer.44:17,18,25; Jdg. 2:13; Deut. 12:3; 7:5; Ex. 34:13)

12. "...three days, and three nights ..." (Mt. 12:40)  Yahshvah knew how many hours are in the day , and in the night. (Jn. 11:9,10)  "Good Friday" to Sunday morning just doesn't add up!  The "Lamb of God" died and was buried before sunset on passover Wednesday, April 25th, 31 A.D.  He rose exactly 72 hours later in the end of the sabbath.

13.  Judah was but one tribe of Israel.  The "Jews" have absorbed Benjamin and Levi as well as a smattering of each of the other ten "Lost tribes" of  Israel.  The "Berith Ish" (Heb; "Covenant People) (the British! ... and the Americans, and others of Western European descent) - in spite of their "lost" condition (ignorance of their true roots), are "Israel", both literally and Spiritually today!  The very Throne of Israel, (or YHVH!); ie: what's left of the actual "throne" of King David himself is in Scotland to this day!

14.  The "Statutes and Ordinances", sacrifice, circumcision, cleanliness, and the civil law of Israel), handwritten by Moses, have been "nailed to the Cross" with Christ  (The Author of the Law of God!) (See: Ez. 20:25; Gal. 3:19; Lev. 7:37,38; 2 Chron. 35:12; Deut. 31:24-26; Heb. 9:12; Dan.9:27; Col.2:14,15) The Law of God; the Ten Commandments, on the other hand, "stands forever"! (See:James 2:8,12; Deut. 4:12,13; Ex. 24:12; 31:18; 40:2; 1Ki. 8:9; Heb. 9:4; Mt. 5:17; Ps. 111:7; 19:7; Rom. 7:12; Isa. 42:21; Mt. ch. 5)

15.  Sin is "Transgression of God's Law" (1Jn. 3:4).

16.  On the first "Christian" Pentecost, all the foreign Jews there understood the Apostles in their own languages. (Acts 2:1-12)  The real  miracle of "tongues" is in the hearingBeware the false babbling of  "Mystery, Babylon the Great"

The whole world is now deceived by Satan's false, perverse political and religious system! (Rev. 12:9; 20:3; 1 Jn. 5:19) The true "signs" of the  Holy Spirit are Love, "gifts", and "fruits" of the Spirit.

"Come out of her my people, that you may not particpate in her sins!"  (Rev. 18:4)